About Waves
The price of Waves (WAVES) is $1.10 today, as of Oct 09 06:25 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $8.15M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -0.07%. Waves currently has a circulating supply of 100.00M and a market cap of $109.86M.
WAVES is the native token of the Waves platform, an open-sourced technology for decentralized applications (dapps) that is typically used for products that require high security. Use cases include handling information related to finance, personal identification, gaming and storage of sensitive data.
In April 2016, Waves held an initial coin sale, or ICO, of WAVES tokens that raised about $16 million. The platform minted 100 million WAVES during the ICO and distributed 85 million to its participants, with the rest reserved for bug bounties, early supporters, strategic partners and developers.
The token started trading in June 2016 at a price of about $1. The WAVES price fell to a record low of $0.1227 on Aug. 2, 2016, and touched a high of $41.33 on May 4, 2021.
At launch, WAVES had a fixed asset cap of 100 million tokens. That changed in October 2019 when token holders elected to move WAVES from a fixed asset to an inflationary one. That means the total number of tokens can increase over time.