About Uniswap
The price of Uniswap (UNI) is $7.81 today, as of Oct 12 03:18 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $427.98M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -2.77%. Uniswap currently has a circulating supply of 753.77M and a market cap of $5.89B.
Uniswap (UNI) is the native token of the Uniswap decentralized exchange, a liquidity provider for the trading of tokens on the wider Ethereum network, also known as ERC-20 tokens. The Uniswap protocol is designed to be fully decentralized, using a trading model known as an automated liquidity protocol. That method gives users incentives to provide liquidity, which guarantees a liquidity pool, ensuring trades can be executed instantly at a known price.
Uniswap minted a total of 1 billion UNI at its launch, which it expected to distribute over the course of four years. Sixty percent of all UNI will be distributed to community members, while the remaining 40% will be for investors, advisers and Uniswap team members. Once the total of 1 billion UNI is distributed, UNI will be an inflationary token with a perpetual inflation rate of 2%.
Uniswap’s protocol token went live in September 2020. and in the subsequent months, it captured the bull run of the wider crypto market. The uniswap price climbed to an all-time high of $45.01 on May 4 before pulling back along the broader crypto market that month. The price of uniswap spent the summer of 2021 fluctuating in the $15-$30 range.