About Syscoin
The price of Syscoin (SYS) is $0.09763159 today, as of Oct 09 06:56 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $3.51M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -1.73%. Syscoin currently has a circulating supply of 787.44M and a market cap of $76.88M.
SYS is the native coin of Syscoin, a fork of Litecoin (itself a fork of Bitcoin) that supports smart contracts.
Syscoin launched in 2014 at a price of $0.0025 following an initial coin offering (ICO) that raised 1,500 BTC for 120 million tokens. Syscoin lost half of these after the company that handled the ICO, commonly known as Moolah, went bankrupt and didn’t hand over the funds.
The coin’s price has peaked three times. First in January 2018, when SYS hit 98 cents, then in May 2021, when it reached 76 cents – and finally in January 2022, when SYS achieved its all-time high of $1.31. SYS crashed sharply following each peak. Six months after it reached $1.31, SYS had fallen to 13 cents.
Syscoin had a capped supply of 888 million before the mainnet launch of its virtual machine, the Network-Enhanced Virtual Machine (NEVM) in December 2021. Since then, its tokenomics have been based on EIP-1559, the Ethereum upgrade that burns fees paid for NEVM transactions instead of handing them to miners. Its supply is no longer fixed or capped but changes dynamically according to its usage.