About Qtum
The price of Qtum (QTUM) is $2.41 today, as of Oct 09 07:01 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $10.75M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -2.98%. Qtum currently has a circulating supply of 105.35M and a market cap of $254.16M.
QTUM is the native cryptocurrency of Qtum, which is a blockchain technology designed to combine the smart contract element of the Ethereum blockchain with the stable blockchain characteristics of Bitcoin and use the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism to verify ownership. Using QTUM, developers can create and deploy their own native decentralized applications (dapps) that get the security benefits of Bitcoin’s blockchain infrastructure.
QTUM has a total supply of 107.8 million tokens, although its circulating supply is slightly less than that.
The initial QTUM supply consisted of 100 million tokens, which were released during the token’s launch. The supply increases over time because of new blocks adding four new QTUM tokens into circulation as a reward for network validators (people who help verify new transaction data that’s added to the blockchain). The block rewards halve every four years and are expected to reach zero by 2045.
The initial supply was distributed as follows:
- 51% was sold through an initial coin offering (ICO).
- 8% was sold privately.
- The team kept 12% with a four-year lockup period.
- The remaining 29% was put in the hands of the nonprofit Qtum Foundation to be used for promotion, academic research and business development.
QTUM hit its all-time high of $100.22 in January 2018 and its all-time low of $0.783142 in March 2020.
After the all-time high, the QTUM price began to slide as the broader crypto market retreated, resulting in a price of $4.49 by August 2018. It then continued a further slow decline to the all-time low before picking up some upward momentum in late December 2020.
In May 2021, QTUM surpassed $25 again but retraced to $7.5 in the following weeks. The token’s price has remained volatile since then as the prices of other cryptocurrencies have been.