Pyth Network
About Pyth Network
The price of Pyth Network (PYTH) is $0.30553405 today, as of Oct 09 08:09 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $41.95M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -3.73%. Pyth Network currently has a circulating supply of 3.62B and a market cap of $1.11B.
Pyth initially launched on the Solana blockchain in 2019 as a way to make it easier for first-party financial firms and exchanges to distribute pricing data to blockchains more quickly than incumbent oracle platforms. The project was initially incubated by Jump Crypto, the blockchain arm of Jump, a large Chicago-based trading firm, but it is now operated by the Pyth DAO – the community of PYTH token-holders.
In 2023, Pyth moved from Solana to Pythnet, its own blockchain built using Solana's codebase. Pyth's novel "pull"-based approach to pricing is supposed to make it easier for traders to get up-to-the-moment pricing information, bringing decentralized financial (DeFi) applications closer in line with legacy finance.
Pyth data is sourced from first-party data providers called "publishers," and DeFi applications can use Pyth's data feeds to power their applications.
The platform became "permissionless" with the launch of Pythnet, meaning any publisher can add a price feed to it.