Keep Network
About Keep Network
The price of Keep Network (KEEP) is $0.11336612 today, as of Oct 12 03:20 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $6,050.16. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 5.57%. Keep Network currently has a circulating supply of 549.72M and a market cap of $62.32M.
Keep is the native cryptocurrency of the Keep Network, a blockchain designed to allow users to send data over public blockchains privately and securely. Keep’s flagship product is tBTC, a decentralized version of bitcoin created for use on the Ethereum blockchain.
All 1 billion keep tokens were released during the project’s launch in 2020, meaning it is not an inflationary asset. Ten percent of keep was set aside for the founding team, 5% for early advisers and 25% for the developing entity behind the Keep Network (formerly Keep SEZC, now Thesis). Keep also provided 5% to reward tBTC liquidity providers for participating in the ecosystem. The remaining 55% was distributed in private token sales and a “stake drop.”
Keep was first sold in two separate simple agreements for future token (SAFT) sales in 2018 and 2020 that made up 35% of the token’s supply. In June 2020, Keep held a public stake drop in collaboration with token staking provider Bison Trails to release 20% of the total supply of keep to users who stake ETH for a period of at least six months, which would be distributed to users gradually over the course of two years.
Keep reached its all-time high of $6.10 in May 2020, just before the public stake drop of the token. Just a few months after the tokens began being distributed to the public, keep reached its all-time low of about $0.40 in November 2020. Following an announcement in October 2021 that Keep would be merging with NuCypher, keep spiked over 585% to a peak of $0.75.