About Joe
The price of JOE (JOE) is $0.32093688 today, as of Oct 09 06:34 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $7.38M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -1.83%. JOE currently has a circulating supply of 371.08M and a market cap of $119.09M.
JOE is the native token of Trader Joe, a decentralized exchange for the Avalanche blockchain. The exchange is not to be confused with Trader Joe’s, the U.S. supermarket chain – “Joe” is the bearded farmer who serves as the protocol’s mascot.
JOE began trading in August 2021 at $1.90. It rose to highs of $4.30 the following month, slumped briefly, then rose again in November 2021 to its all-time high of $5.02. The token crashed the following year, sinking as low as 27 cents on June 4, 2022.
JOE launched with an initial supply of 500 million. There were no pre-sales or private sales. The team kept 20%, the treasury 20% and potential strategic investors another 10%. The remaining 50% is reserved for liquidity providers. The protocol’s developers expect the total supply to be in circulation by the start of 2024. Once all tokens are in circulation, the protocol will not mint any more.