About Fetch.ai
The price of Fetch.ai (FET) is $1.42 today, as of Oct 12 04:25 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $312.33M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 6.28%. Fetch.ai currently has a circulating supply of 2.61B and a market cap of $3.70B.
The all-time high price of Fetch.ai’s FET token was $1.17 on Sept. 8, 2021. Its all-time low value was $0.00816959 on March 12, 2020.FET, a token issued on the Ethereum blockchain through the ERC-20 token standard, has a total supply of 1.15 billion. Unlike the case with many other tokens, there is no burning or halving mechanism in place for Fetch.ai’s native token.FET’s price is volatile, even for the cryptocurrency industry. Despite a successful launch, FET quickly dropped from $0.35 to $0.03 in late 2019 and went even lower in early 2020.An uptick to $0.15 occurred in August 2020 before the price fell to $0.05 and lower. In March 2021, FET hit $0.28 and $0.78 in quick succession. The price then returned to $0.205 by June before surging again to $0.918415 and $1.17 in September 2021.