Enjin Coin
About Enjin
The price of Enjin Coin (ENJ) is $0.14437349 today, as of Oct 09 03:32 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $13.60M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -3.15%. Enjin Coin currently has a circulating supply of 1.74B and a market cap of $250.59M.
Enjin Coin (ENJ) is the native cryptocurrency of gaming company Enjin. It can be earned through in-game achievements and used to buy virtual goods on gaming platforms. The Singapore-based company is known for the digital Enjin Marketplace and its plug-ins for the popular video game Minecraft, among other products.
As of December 2021, ENJ’s all-time-high price was $4.82 in November 2021, which came after Enjin launched a $100 million fund to support projects in its ecosystem. Some of those projects will be on its newer Efinity blockchain, as will other games and applications.
In January 2021, ENJ rose as it became the first gaming cryptocurrency to be approved by the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA) for use in Japan. Enjin Coin is now listed on Japan’s Coincheck exchange, where users can purchase it with yen.
But a bigger rally followed in March 2021 as Enjin started its Efinity network. ENJ is the currency staked to validate transactions on Efinity, allowing users to earn a then new EFI token.
Enjin developed the Efinity network to host trading of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It was built on the Polkadot blockchain to avoid Ethereum’s rising ‘gas’ (transaction) costs, and Enjin sold $20 million in EFI tokens through a public sale on crypto exchange CoinList in June 2021.