About DigiByte
The price of DigiByte (DGB) is $0.00660070 today, as of Oct 12 03:32 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $2.11M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 4.91%. DigiByte currently has a circulating supply of 17.30B and a market cap of $114.19M.
DigiByte is the native currency of a Bitcoin (BTC) fork also called DigiByte that claims to speed up confirmation times, improve Bitcoin’s original security and allow for the creation of smart contracts. Its ticker is DGB.
DigiByte launched in 2014. Its price flatlined at about $0.0001-$0.0003 until the crypto boom of 2017. In June of that year, DigiByte rose to about 6 cents, but those highs didn’t last. By October 2017, the price had fallen to $0.009. A few months later, the market swelled again, and digibyte soared to 12 cents by January 2018. Then the price sank yet again, and remained depressed until 2021.
When bitcoin hit its all-time high, so did digibyte, which rose to a high of 18.25 cents in May, 2021 – before crashing by 70% to 3.8 cents by late June. Although its price has been volatile, its peaks are impressive for a coin that in December 2014 was worth just $0.00002028.
DigiByte has a maximum, capped supply of 21 billion – a thousand times greater than bitcoin. Its circulating supply is inflationary; digibyte can be mined into existence in a similar manner to bitcoin. The DigiByte protocol, however, reduces block rewards by 1% each month, acting as a disinflationary measure to slow down the rate at which new DigiByte coins are introduced into circulation.
Half a percent of all digibyte were pre-mined, meaning they were mined before the public launch of the blockchain. Half of the 0.5% pre-mine was spent on developing DGB’s mobile wallets.