About Dash
The price of Dash (DASH) is $23.65 today, as of Oct 12 02:46 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $38.78M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 2.71%. Dash currently has a circulating supply of 11.98M and a market cap of $283.31M.
DASH is the native cryptocurrency for Dash (Digital Cash), an open-source blockchain project whose code is copied from Litecoin, which in turn was copied from Bitcoin. Primarily used for simple everyday payments, Dash was built to be a more cost-effective and efficient electronic cash system than its parent, Bitcoin.
Dash was developed by American software developer Evan Duffield under the name darkcoin (also known as XCoin) in January 2014. It was initially focused on preserving privacy for financial transactions, but after rebranding itself to Dash in 2015, the project shifted its focus to ease of use in online commerce. It has become a payment partner with more than 10,000 online retailers and merchants, and has deployed more than 250 Dash-enabled ATMs in the Americas and Europe.
Dash is an inflationary asset with a supply cap of 18.9 million tokens. The rate of Dash rewards for mining is decreased over time at a rate of 7% every year. The last block is expected to be mined around the year 2254.
Dash’s price history follows a similar pattern to Bitcoin because of the strong correlation between the two projects. But there are some differences. In the beginning of March 2017, dash’s price doubled in a single week, reaching a high of close to $60.
Although some early followers of the project on the Bitcoin forum believed that dash’s quick rise was related to a scam, the surge was more likely due to the scarcity of dash on exchanges. It was estimated that only 41,500 dashes were available for trading on major exchanges that week and the illiquidity of the dash market was the real reason for the trading push.
Dash reached its all-time high in December 2017 of $1,642.22. The cryptocurrency’s all-time low of $0.2139 was recorded in February 2014 shortly after the coin was launched.