About 0x
The price of 0x (ZRX) is $0.31802849 today, as of Oct 12 02:17 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $13.92M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 4.21%. 0x currently has a circulating supply of 848.40M and a market cap of $269.81M.
Will Warren and Amir Bandeali co-founded 0x in 2016 with the intention of providing a standard protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that allows any Ethereum token to be traded. 0x enables the peer-to-peer exchange of Ethereum-based tokens and is often referred to as a decentralized exchange (DEX). The 0x platform provides a means of exchanging a variety of tokenized assets such as stocks, gold, real estate and video game items, seeking to promote interoperability between decentralized applications (dapps). 0x’s own ethereum token (ZRX) is used to pay trading fees to relayers. ZRX token owners can influence the blockchain’s governance — giving them the authority, proportional to their holdings, to provide input as to how the protocol should be developed over time. 0x has capped the ZRX supply at 1 billion tokens.
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